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Click here to select another year March 21st, 2006---: Spring is finally here!! Well, it doesn't really feel like it that's for sure. Temps this morning were in the upper 20's! But, the fact that it's officially Spring is good enough for me. And, along with the arrivial of Spring, comes our yearly chase preparations. I've ordered a new CB antenna (the Wilson 5000), along with a new dash mount for my camera, and some external speakers for my CB radio. All of this will be hooked up in the coming weeks as the weather warms up a bit. Then, on April 9th, I will be taking a trip up to Dave's place to start work on our new hail guards. Lots happeneing over the next month so check back for updates! April 5th, 2006---: I took a trip up to Dave's friend Marc's house this past Saturday to begin work on our new hail guards for my truck. This year the frames will be made out of PVC, and instead of wire mesh, we will be using Lexan. We did get a lot done over the course of the day, took measurements, built some of the frames, re meshed the windshield guard, etc... I will be taking one more trip up there on Saturday April 29th to finish everything up. Dave also fabricated a new laptop/CB/XM Threat System stand for us. Dave rules!!! The weather has been warming up here, and the trees are beginning to bloom...SPRING IS ON THE WAY!!!! About another 5 weeks and we'll be hitting the road. April 18th, 2006---: We have about another 2 1/2 weeks until our chase trip begins! Right now we're planning on a May 5th departure, we'll see how the weather for the following week pans out and that will determine our exact departure date. Tomorrow I am bringing my Xterra in for servicing and then I will start hooking up the CB radio again. I also have re fabricated the headlight hail guards for my truck (the old ones were destroyed in South Plains last year). Dave has put together a nice laptop stand that will go in the truck, and this one has a few shelves in it so we can keep everything organized this time around. The other hail guards are coming along nicely and we will have them completed by April 29th, pretty much just in time! May 1st, 2006---: The hail shields are complete, antennas are mounted on the truck, etc...May is here and our annual storm chasing trip is just days away. Right now we're planning on leaving this Friday, May 5th. This will depend on how things look later in the week. Check back often as I will be posting updates on this page from the road.. May 4th, 2006---: Our annual chase trip will begin this Saturday. Final preparations are being made, and right now things look decent for next week. Not super great, but things can change in a heartbeat. Will be posting updates from the road May 14th, 2006---: Well, our chase trip was pretty much uneventful overall..lol. We got locked into a stagnent pattern that would not let up, and decided to cut our trip short by a few days. Dave and I might head back out there sometime in June if possible to see if we can make up for the lack of storms on this trip. May 23rd, 2006---: May 2006 has certainly been quiet out in the plains, many chasers and tour groups were left with finding other ways to stay sane throughout the past few weeks. Things are starting to pick back up however and who knows what June will hold. For me, I'll start focusing on the upcoming hurricane season which is forecast to be another active one. We shall see.... August 29th, 2006---: I still can't believe that it's been one year since Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the Gulf Coast. That experience will stay with me the rest of my life, and our prayer's are still with all of those affected by the storm. But in other ways, what a difference a year makes! While many people think that the 2006 tropical season has been slow, for the most part...it's right on track. You can't use 2005 as a guage, this is a more typical year in the tropics. But don't let your guard down, we are now entering the height of hurricane season, and the Atlantic is starting to show signs of activity. Tropical Storm Ernesto is making landfall in South Florida as I type this, and there are several other tropical waves out in the Atlantic that bear watching. There is still no way to know how many, if any systems will make landfall, but we still have a long way to go this season. Dave and I are ready to head out if any hurricanes threaten land, so check back for updates over the coming weeks! |