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November 30th, 2010---: The weather will rapidly go down hill this evening and into tomorrow morning as a major coastal storm takes shape bring heavy rains and high winds to the northeast, including the NYC area. This same storm system is responsible for multiple tornado reports both yesterday and today. One tornado came very close to the Yazoo City, MS area for the second time this year! Damage was reported in town but thankfully I have not heard of any serious injuries so far. While this upcoming storm event will not be of the frozen variety, it won't be long now until we start seeing the first flakes fly here in the city.

November 29th, 2010---: Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over with, and our trip to Canada is complete, it's time to get moving on something that I've been meaning to do for quite some time now. Re-launch and re-vamp PSPhoto! I'm just not happy with the "frames" aspect of this site anymore, it's outdated, and it makes it very difficult for the search engines to catalog the website correctly. So, I'm moving away from frames in favor of a conventional navigation bar that will be displayed on every page of this site. Many more suddle changes will be made as well, but overall I can say this...PSPhoto will be much more easily navigated after I'm done with the re-vamping project. I expect to re-launch by later this week!

November 18th, 2010---: Strong winds and mild temperatures were the main headlines yesterday here in the NYC area. Gusts to around 40-50mph were common yesterday, and several power outages were reported throughout the city. Today is much calmer as far as the winds are concerned, but it's a bit on the chilly side. It's mid Fall however so we're not really experiencing anything out of the norm. The next few days will feature seasonal temperatures and very little, if any rain. In other news, I'll be taking a trip up to Canada this weekend to visit with some of my fellow Canadian storm chasers! Our good friend Mark Robinson is hosting a chaser get together at his families cottage north of Toronto. It's sure to be a blast, but we'll have to bundle up as it's going to be much colder there, than here in NYC!

November 14th, 2010---: We're coming to an end of what was an amazing stretch of mild and sunny weather here in the NYC area! Which just happened to coincide with my friend Jeff's visit from Los Angeles. The past few days have been above normal temperature wise with temps in the mid 60s under sunny skies. Today is a little cooler than yesterday, but still above normal for this time of year. The party will be coming to an end however as cooler temps and rainy conditions will be the norm for the early/mid week period. In other news, Cecelia and I will be heading to Canada next weekend to visit with some of our Canadian storm chaser friends! Should be a great trip!

November 4th, 2010---: The first nor'easter of the fall season arrived today but unlike future nor'easters, this storm brought with it just rains and winds. All in all we're getting a good deluge here in NYC with more rain on the way this evening before all is said and done with. After the storm winds down, we're in for some pretty chilly conditions this upcoming weekend. Fall has definitely arrived! In other news, I'll be heading up to Canada later this month for the first time! We'll be having a get together with our fellow Canadian storm chasers at our good friend Mark Robinson's cottage. Can't wait for that!

October 25th, 2010---: A little Indian Summer is taking place right now in the NYC area! Temperatures today reached the low 70s under partly sunny skies, and more of the same is on tap for tomorrow. Cecelia and I will be taking a trip into Manhattan tomorrow afternoon to photograph some of the fall foliage in and around Central Park. Then, on Wednesday things could get interesting around here with a threat of severe weather in the forecast. There's already a moderate risk for severe storms forecast by the SPC for tomorrow in the Ohio Valley, so hopefully some of that will be saved for us here in the city the following day. I could use one more good round of storms before the long fall and winter settle on in.

October 16th, 2010---: Back from London and what a trip it was! If you're interested in checking out some photos of my latest trip I have several photo albums posted on my Facebook page! The link to my FB page can be found right on my home page. At some point I'll probably get around to posting them here on my website as well. In weather news, upon our return we were greeted with some very fall like weather! Temperatures here in NYC have been in the very chilly low to mid 50s range and the winds have been howling the past 24 hours. This as a result of our most recent nor'easter. Speaking of nor'easters, it won't be long now until we get into our snow season, I wonder what this winter will bring. Hopefully a few good snow events! All though I'm sure many people would disagree with me on that one! Next month, Cecelia and I along with Dave Lewison and Stephanie LaRose will be heading up to Canada for a storm chaser get together! This will no doubt be tons of fun, but first...our annual trip to the PDN Photo Expo at the Javitz Center is just two weeks away!

October 7th, 2010---: I'm finally doing something I've never done before. I'll be heading overseas for the first time ever! My girlfriend Cecelia, along with my father and I will be taking a week's vacation in London, England starting today. The weather looks to be great for our trip as well with sunny to partly sunny skies forecast for the entire time we're there! Photos will be posted upon my return, but in the meantime...if you haven't looked recently, check out my "New Photos" section located in the photo gallery. I've posted a ton of photos taken in the after math of the 125mph downburst/tornadoes that hit my neighborhood of Queens, NY back on September 16th!

October 3rd, 2010---: Now that the fall season is settling on in, this is the blog that I will be updating more often than my storm chase blog. That is, until next spring when we start gearing up once again for Storm Chase 2011! The weather here in NYC this weekend is definitely fall like, and the trees are already beginning to show signs of fall colors. We're still several weeks away from the peak of the fall foliage, but the signs are there that the cold weather is on the way. In other news, the annual PDN Photo Expo at the Javitz Center in Manhattan is coming up, and once again Dave Lewison and I will be in attendance. I'll also be heading to London for a weeks vacation this coming Thursday, October 7th! Never been overseas so I'm really looking forward to it!

September 26th, 2010---: Things are almost back to normal around here after being hit by one of the worst storms in literally a century. The tree shredders showed up two days back and cleaned up what was left of the tree debris on the side of the roads in my neighborhood. So, now that things are getting back to normal, my attention is turning to the fall season, my upcoming trip to London, and the fall nor'easters that are common around here during this time of year! If you haven't checked it out yet, I've posted some new videos to my YouTube channel, and here on the site as well in the "latest video uploads" section. Check them out!

September 21st, 2010---: The clean up continues in the wake of last Thursdays 125mph macroburst and tornadoes! What a week it has been. My neighborhood was forever changed by this storm, and trees that I used to climb when I was a child, are no longer standing. Insane. In case you haven't seen the video yet, I have posted a six minute video of the storm hitting, and the chaotic scenes immediately in the wake of the storm. The video can be found on my YouTube channel (link is on my home page), or you can click on the "Latest Video Uploads" link to the left to view. In other news, it looks like summer will have one final gasp late this week when temperatures are forecast to soar into the 80s once again! No complaints from me! My 38th birthday is also just around the corner. Wow, where did the time go. Say goodbye to summer too, today is the final day before fall begins.

August 15th, 2010---: Been a few weeks since I've updated but that's mostly because things have been quiet on the home front. We did however experience our 2nd hottest July on record. Now when I say 2nd hottest on record I mean the 2nd hottest by just a fraction of a degree. I think it was something like a .1 or .2 degree difference between the hottest July we've ever had, and where we finally ended up with our 2nd hottest July ever. Basically, I see it as tying the record. It was HOT let's just put it that way. However, we didn't see much in the way of rains or storms and this trend is continuing into August. We have experienced a cool down lately but tomorrow we've looking at another hot one and the SPC does have us in a slight risk of severe weather. We'll see! Either way, I'm hoping the warm weather continues for at least another few weeks. Before we know it, Fall will be here and I'm not necessarily a fan of the cold. The longer summer lasts, the better I say!

July 21st, 2010---: Starting on July 4th NYC entered into a heat wave and it for the most part hasn't let up! The majority of the days here in the city have featured temperatures at or above 90 degrees almost every single day since the 4th! Today is no exception. And, on top of the heat we've also had high levels of humidity thrown in for good measure. Not that I am really complaining though. Most folks would disagree with me but I really don't mind the heat and humidity. But, I don't like the high electric bills that come along with the heat! Still, through all this heat and humidity our thunderstorm season has been for the most part, non-exsistant! We haven't had one good storm here all spring/summer. Today, we've under a severe thunderstorm watch and overall it's quite an active day here in the northeast. Supercell thunderstorms are roaming NY State as I type but will we see anything down here in the city, most likely not. This has not been our year for storms, at least so far. I'll be keeping an eye to the sky regardless and will live stream any storms that head this way. Getting back to the heat for a moment, the hot and humid conditions will prevail into this weekend and at least for now, it appears that a break in the heat will take place next week.

July 9th, 2010---: Our latest heat wave is coming to end end, but this relief from the high heat might be short lived. There are some indication by the models that things could begin to heat up again next week. The forecast calls for above normal temperatures through next week. A cold front is also forecast to move through the NYC area tomorrow mid day and will bring with it the possibility of strong storms and torrential downpours. With this tropical air mass in place, it's certainly possible. The current dew point is 73 degrees! Definitely sultry outside. Below is the official NYC Weather Service bulletin regarding our July heat wave.

546 PM EDT WED JUL 7 2010

...JULY 2010 HEAT WAVE...



...NEW YORK...

...LOCATION... ...7/4... ...7/5... ...7/6... ...7/7...
CENTRAL PARK 96 99 103 100
FARMINGDALE 98 99 102 98
WHITE PLAINS 95 96 102 97
SHIRLEY 98 98 103 95
ISLIP 97 95 101 96
JFK AIRPORT 101 97 101 100
LAGUARDIA 98 99 103 101
MONTGOMERY 94 96 100 98
MONTAUK 88 91 96 87


...LOCATION... ...7/4... ...7/5... ...7/6... ...7/7...
NEWARK 101 102 103 101
TETERBORO 97 99 103 101
CALDWELL 96 98 102 100


...LOCATION... ...7/4... ...7/5... ...7/6... ...7/7...
BRIDGEPORT 97 93 98 95
DANBURY 97 95 100 98
GROTON 90 92 101 86
NEW HAVEN 94 95 100 98
MERIDEN 96 97 102 99


...LOCATION... ...DATE(S)...
JFK AIRPORT 7/4, 7/6 AND 7/7
ISLIP 7/4, 7/6 AND 7/7


July 6th, 2010---: The heat is ON big time here in NYC, and today is the worst of it! Central Park hit a record high today at 2:20pm of 102 degrees! This is the first time since 2001 that we broke the century mark. As I type it's still 101 degrees here at my place in Rego Park, Queens. The dew points were higher today as well giving us a heat index of between 102-105 degrees. The heat wave began for us on Sunday, July 4th but the past two days weren't as oppressive as they could have been since the dew points were only in the mid 50s, that changed today and now we're getting dew points into the mid 60s. Tomorrow will feature more of the same conditions, however the forecast does call for the actual air temperature to be a little lower (only into the lower 90s, lol). But, the humidity will be even higher tomorrow so we'll be facing heat indexes once again into the low 100s! A break in this pattern will come towards the weekend as a cold front works it's way through the area. Hopefully we'll finally get to see some storms around here!

July 1st, 2010---: For several runs now, many of the reliable forecast models have been showing what could be a major heat wave taking shape for the NYC area starting on the 4th of July! The ECMWF or "European Model" has been consistent in showing a building ridge of high pressure along the east coast that will pump in hot and humid weather into the northeast. The exact severity of the heat wave is still uncertain at this time, but this has the potential to be a doozy for sure! The other thing with this particular set up is that the forecast calls for dry conditions throughout the duration of the heat wave, making an already tough situation even more dangerous since there may be no relief from the building heat. This however could change if any mesoscale disturbances under cut the ridge. If so, then we could see a few bouts of storms. Fine by me! It's been forever since I've seen a good thunderstorm around here, and a break here and there from the heat would be very welcome. More updates to come as the forecast comes more into focus. Below is the current run of the ECMWF showing the building ridge and coinciding heat for next Tuesday in the east.

June 26th, 2010---: The heat continues here in the NYC and it appears that we will close out June on the hot side. This entire month has featured above normal temperatures and I'm not really complaining. I kind of like it on the hot side so it's all good to me. I'm sure many folks would disagree with me however, lol. In other news, the northeast is still reeling from a major severe weather outbreak that occured two days back on the 24th. I did my best to intercept a severe storm that blasted through northern Queens, and produced golf ball hail near the Throgs Neck Bridge...but the typical NYC mid afternoon traffic prevented me from getting into position in time. Bridgeport, CT sustained tons of damage, and there even was a confirmed EF1 tornado there! Glen Cove, LI and well as other parts of Nassau and Suffolk Counties sustained damage as well. I'm hoping to get another crack at chasing this coming Monday. Right now, things look to be coming together for what could be round two. But, chasing in the metro/tri-state area is extremely difficult, and that's putting it mildly. Traffic and road networks are always an issue, so I may have to commit to a target early, and then keep my fingers crossed that it verifies. More updates to come so be sure to check back.

June 16th, 2010---: I've just signed up for a live streaming account with the folks at and will begin live streaming of any and all NYC thunderstorms this summer! I'm very excited about trying this out. Now all we need is for nature to cooperate and give us a storm. I also plan to live stream any hurricane intercepts I go on this year so be sure to check back often for the latest updates. On days when severe weather is possible, you will see the "live streaming" button on the navigation panel to the left flashing.

June 10th, 2010---: Another month has gone by and summer is just about upon us! I was away chasing storms for much of May so I hadn't gotten the chance to update this page much. The past month here in NYC featured more above normal temperatures where we regularly had temps more in the late July range, than May. This trend continued up until just a few days ago when we finally had a cool down of sorts as a sharp cold front moved on through the tri-state area. I was anticipating some severe storms to accompany the front, but nothing materialized. There is the slight chance of a storm today, and a better chance on Sunday/Monday as the warm and humid conditions return to my area.

May 2nd, 2010---: Severe weather is possible in and around the NYC area later this afternoon and evening as a hot and humid air mass remains in place over the region. The past three months have been months of "extremes". We had our snowiest February on record, followed by our wettest March on record, followed by our warmest April on record! Unreal! And May is definitely off to an above normal start. Temperatures yesterday reached the upper 80s, and today we'll get to the mid 80s but with much higher humidity than yesterday. Dewpoints are already in the mid 60s and it's only 11am. With the heat and humidity will come a threat for storms and the SPC has us on the eastern edge of a slight risk for today. Our first slight risk of the spring season! The WRF precip model is forecasting storms just west of us by 8pm this evening. I am quite fond of this model as I have seen it verify more often than not. I have posted the WRF's simulated radar map for 8pm this evening, note the storms just west of NYC! We'll see if this verifies. Stay tuned!

April 29th, 2010---: After a very chilly few days this week, warmer...make that MUCH warmer weather is headed our way! Temperatures by tomorrow will be in the mid and upper 70s, and by Saturday our forecast highs are expected to be in the low to mid 80s! That's more like July than early May. No complaints from me though, hopefully we'll even see a few thunderstorms roll through with the passage of a cold front early next week. Spring has definitely arrived and I'm welcoming it with open arms!

April 22nd, 2010---: The first thunderstorms of the spring storm season hit NYC this afternoon with heavy rains, and cloud to ground lightning! This was quite a surprise as we weren't really expecting any border line severe weather here today. While there was the possibility of some showers and maybe a rumble of thunder, what we ended up getting was a bit better than that! Right about 3pm the skies darkened and before long, the lightning was flashing and the skies opened up. Below is a radar capture courtesy of WeatherTapHD showing the storms as they moved into my area. The arrow is pointing towards Rego Park, Queens which is where I live.

April 16th, 2010---: Well it was nice while it lasted! Temperatures here in the NYC area have been well above normal for most of the month. Temperatures in the upper 60s and 70s were the norm, but couldn't last forever. Now it's time to fall back to what we normally see this time of year which are temperatures right around 60 degrees. The trees are exploding with color here in the NYC area and if anything, they are a few weeks ahead of schedule. During a normal spring our trees start to bloom around the third week in April. This year the trees and plants started to pop during the last week in March! As I type this they appear as they would in late April or early May. No complaints from me as I love this time of year!! By the middle of next week the forecast calls for temperatures to rebound back to the mid and upper 60s once again!

April 8th, 2010---: Yesterday wasn't just warm here in the NYC metro area, it was down right hot!! Not only did we reach 90 degrees, it was the earliest we have ever reached 90 degrees here in NYC! Temperatures topped out at 92 in Central Park. WOW! Today is less hot, but still way above normal. A cold front will approach from the west late this evening and there is the slight chance it could spark off some storms in my area. However, with the influence of the marine layer...I won't be holding my breath. The best stuff will be north and west of NYC I think. Still though, I'll keep a watchful eye. Below is the Public Information Statement from the NWS regarding yesterday record breaking temperatures.

815 AM EDT THU APR 8 2010




CENTRAL PARK...92....89....1929


April 6th, 2010---: Finally!! After a very long winter here in the northeast, spring has finally sprung!! Actually, it's more like summer today than spring. Temperatures this afternoon will top out near 80 degrees now that the warm front has moved on through, and tomorrow we could see record high temps in the NYC area!! The forecast calls for mid 80s here tomorrow! No complaints from me, I like the warm weather! But, reality will come crashing down on us again this weekend when temps will fall back to more seasonable levels. Highs in the 50s are expected.

March 30th, 2010---: Day Two- It's STILL raining here as this slow moving nor'easter makes it's way up the coast. Starting around 3am last night, the rains went from moderate, to a heavy wind driven rain and it's still coming down as I type! I reset my rain gage shortly before the rains began two days ago, and since then, we have received 4.52 inches. The worst will be over with soon and this will begin our transition to much more spring like conditions here in the NYC area. Temperatures by late week will be in the lower 70s, and the Easter weekend is looking just as good! But first we have to get through this latest storm. Below is a regional radar animation (courtesy of WeatherTap showing the heavy rain bands moving onshore just a little while ago.

March 29th, 2010---: We've barely dried out from the last soaking of rain we received a week ago, when yet another strong system is slamming the northeast right now as I type! Major flooding is expected once again in the NY/NJ area as the already swollen creeks and rivers cannot handle any more rains. I reset my rain gage yesterday evening right before the rains started, and since then we've already gotten about 2 inches of rain! And, there's much more on the way. There's already talk that this March will go down as one of the top 5 rainiest months on record for NYC. I can believe it with all the rains we've gotten this month. Below is a regional radar animation courtesy of WeatherTap showing the what seems like endless stream of rain moving up the coast, into the northeast. The silver lining in all of this is that we're expecting a return to spring later this week, and could even see temps in the 70s by Friday, into the weekend!

March 17th, 2010---: Talk about a deluge! The NYC area received over 4 inches of rain from this latest Nor'easter! While there were no trees and power lines down right in my immediate area, area-wide there were literally thousands of trees down! The reports and images on the local news were incredible. Flooding, trees down, power lines down, and regrettably...a few fatalities have been reported. Today however is about as opposite as it can be. Temperatures in the 60s under sunny skies. Spring is here! But, there's still plenty of time for more cold weather so I won't pack away the winter jacket just yet.

March 13th, 2010---: We're getting slammed right now with one heck of a nor'easter. But unlike the last few, this one does not have any snow with it, this time around it's ALL rain and lot's of it! We've been receiving bouts of torrential rains all day long and as we head into this evening, the winds will really start to increase. There is a high wind warning in effect for the NYC area, with gusts up to 60MPH expected! That will for sure bring down some trees and power lines. Sporadic power outages are expected as well. My rain gage here in Rego Park, Queens has already registered well over an inch of rain since this all began yesterday evening. Below is an animated regional radar image courtesy of WeatherTap showing the heavy rains heading towards the NYC area.

March 10th, 2010---: What a great past few days we've had here in NYC!! 3 days in a row of temperatures in the low 60s, a sure sign that winter is losing it's grip. But, we're not out of the woods quite yet. The later half of this week, and into the weekend will feature cooler temps, and rainy conditions. Still though, even though it will be raining the temperatures will remain in the 50s. So all in all that's not too bad. And, in other news....I have resurrected my storm chase blog as we are starting to get close to this years storm chase in Tornado Alley!!

March 4th, 2010---: Finally after what seems like an endless winter, we're poised to get some warmer weather here in NYC! All right, it's not exactly going to be a heat wave or anything, but temperatures in the lower 50s sounds pretty good to me right about now! It's a sign that spring is not far off. Just two months from now we could be on the road again chasing storms! And speaking of storm chasing, preparations have already begun and I'll be re awakening my Storm Chase blog once again very soon.

February 26th, 2010---: We're still digging out after getting slammed by this latest winter storm. If anything, this storm brought with it more snow that any other single storm this season so far. Central Park clocked in with 20.9 inches of snow! And here in Queens where I live we received right about 15 inches give or take. A major storm for sure, and one that I'll be digging out of for a few days. Right around sunrise is when we were getting the really heavy stuff, with snow fall rates approaching and surpassing 2 inches an hour! I headed out the door and shot video from around the area. I didn't have to go far as there was chaos everywhere! City buses were slipping and sliding all over the place, and there were numerous accidents on the highways and side streets. I encountered several of them myself, but thankfully was not involved in any!

I've posted some video to my YouTube channel of this latest event, and I've also posted it in my "Latest Video Uploads" section. Check it out, and if you also have a YouTube channel, shoot me an email and subscribe to stay updated on all my latest chase adventures! Below are a few radar animations courtesy of WeatherTap showing the storm really wrapping up yesterday evening, and the second image shows the low pressure responsible for all the snow sitting almost on top of NYC earlier this afternoon.

February 25th, 2010---: Well here's a strange storm for you. As I type another major coastal storm is hitting the NYC area with up to a foot of snow forecast in some locations. Here's the strange thing, the coastal low will be pulled back westward by another low to our west and essentially will make a loop d' loop right over the tri-state area! This means that we're in it for the LONG haul on this one. Another thing of note is that the rain/snow line is pretty much right on top of us as well. Areas to our west could see two feet of snow, and just to our east it's all rain. Queens, NY where I live is literally right on that boundary and we've been back and forth between rain and snow all day so far. As I type however, we have switched back to all snow, and it may stay this way for the duration of this event. We'll be dealing with this through tonight, and into the better part of tomorrow as well, as I said, this will be a very long duration event. Well, better get out there and start shoveling! lol...we've already got about 3 inches on the ground with MUCH more to come it seems. Below is an animated radar image courtesy of WeatherTap showing where that rain/snow line is currently.

February 23rd, 2010---: There's some rumblings about a possible winter storm here on Thursday. But as of right now, my thinking, and the models thinking is that it will be a mostly rain event for us here in the NYC metro area. Points north and west could get clobbered though. Will look at tonights model runs and will post another update tomorrow!

February 18th, 2010---: Another round of snow hit the NYC area two days ago with a surprise 6 inches of snow in my area! Once again, it was a heavy wet snow that mostly just stuck to the grassy areas. Still though, it fell on top of what we already had and basically we have one huge mess now. Another surge of cold air may be on the way as well. The GFS model is forecasting what could be another arctic blast in about 10 days. Yes, this is still way out in fantasy land right now, so hopefully it doesn't materialize, lol. I'm just about ready for Spring!

February 11th, 2010---: We're still digging out here in NYC after a major snowfall yesterday. My area in Queens, NY received about 11 inches in total, and the official total for Manhattan (Central Park) was 10 inches. I shot a ton of video yesterday and made several stops around midtown, Chelsea, and downtown. I'll be posting some of it to my YouTube channel later this evening, as well as in the "latest video uploads" section of my website. Below is a radar screen shot courtesy of WeatherTap HD showing the snow bands slamming my area yesterday evening.

February 9th, 2010---: A major winter storm is forming off the Virginia coast and this time, it looks like we'll get slammed along with Philly and DC. The snows are forecast to start up overnight tonight and go all throughout tomorrow and tomorrow evening. We could even see blizzard conditions here during the afternoon. I'll be out in the thick of it and will give a full report either tomorrow night, or Thursday at the latest!

February 8th, 2010---: Well, it may be our turn this time around after all. After some model uncertainty, things are coming in line for what could be a major winter weather event here in the NYC area tomorrow night, and into Wednesday. The official forecast calls for up to a foot of snow in my area, with possible blizzard conditions through the day on Wednesday! The latest model guidance shows a low pressure system bombing out southeast of Long Island during the day on Wednesday and bringing with it heavy snows and strong winds. If this materializes you can bet I'll be out there documenting it! More updates tomorrow when things are a little more in focus. Below is the 12z Eta surface map showing what the scenario might look like come 7pm Wednesday evening. Now that's a classic nor'easter!

February 5th, 2010---: The NYC area is literally on the edge of a massive, make that crippling snow storm in the works right now. My area will most likely not see the brunt of this storm, but the slightest shift northward in the forecast track, and we'll get into some big snows. The current forecast calls for 3-6 inches here in the city, but points just 30 miles to my south over central Jersey are expecting up to 2 feet of snow! We'll know by tomorrow morning just how bad it's going to get here and until then, we'll have to take things literally hour by hour. Below is a local radar animation out of Philly showing the snow shield struggling to work it's way northward. How much further north will it get remains to be seen.

February 4th, 2010---: Here we go again! But will this storm end up being just like the last storm? A massive snow storm is taking shape in the south as I type, but current forecasts keep the worst of it to our south over southern New Jersey, and the Delmarva. Blizzard warnings are in affect for those areas, talk about close!! That's just south of us here in NYC. For us, we're under a winter storm watch currently with forecasts calling for anywhere between 4 and 8 inches of snow. I'm still skeptical that we'll see anything at all. There will be a sharp cut off line to the snow shield, and points just to the north of that cut off will receive hardly a flake. As usual, everything depends on the track of the low. The snow is forecast to begin tomorrow night here in the city, and will end sometime on Saturday....if it even starts at all! That's how much uncertainty there is with this system. My gut is telling me though that this will not be the big one of the winter season for us. Let's see if I'm wrong on that one. Below is a radar animation of this massive storm taking shape in the south (image courtesy of WeatherTap)

January 30th, 2010---: We really haven't seen much in the way of winter weather here in NYC since our big snow storm back in December 19th. We did receive about an inch yesterday as the arctic front moved through, but that's been about it. Another major system is moving across the country as I type, but once again, we're not seeing anymore than just clouds out of this storm. Further south in Virginia snow totals are piling up fast! Parts of the Norfolk area are expecting up to a foot of snow. The big news story here are the frigid temperatures! Yesterday morning we dropped to about 19 degrees here in Queens, NY...and this morning was even worse! 14 degrees was the low here in NYC! There's a possible storm on the horizon for the next Friday time frame, but this is still almost a week out so I won't put any stock into that scenario at least for the time being. Below is a animated regional radar shot courtesy of WeatherTap showing the snows moving through the Mid Atlantic states right now.

January 24th, 2010---: Looks like the NYC area is in for a bout of moderate to heavy rains, and there's even the chance of some thunder over night tonight! A storm system that was affecting southern California a few days ago has made it's way eastbound, and as I type, is knocking on our doorstep. The rains won't last long however and should be clear of the area by the afternoon. The worst of it though is forecast to move in around the morning rush, so needless to say, things won't be pretty tomorrow morning. After we get rid of this mess, we are expecting cooler temps to follow which will bring us back to more typical January weather. What's nice is that I'm now starting to notice the longer days! A sure sign that we're heading in the direction that I like....Spring time! Another thing we've been lacking as of late is snow. Aside from our big storm in mid December, that's been about it! We still have February to get through so there's still plenty of time for another whopper of a snowstorm. Stay tuned!

January 19th, 2010---: After a very cold start to the new year, temperatures finally recovered this past week to in many cases, actually above normal! We saw several days in the 40s, and the past two days in a row we actually reached 50 degrees. However, there will be a trend downwards in the temperatures over the coming days, but nothing too terrible overall. A storm system now currently over California will reach our area by Friday. Right now however it appears that much, if not all of the precip associated with this storm will stay south of the area. Temperatures are forecast to remain in the upper 30s to near 40 degrees. Which in reality is right on target for this time of year.

January 11th, 2010---: The past few days have been pretty brutal in terms of cold weather. Our morning lows have been dipping into the teens, with day time highs only reaching the 20s for the most part. Ughhh, this is not fun at all. But, as bad as it is here, that's nothing compared to how bad it's been in other parts of the country! Temps in the midwest have been dipping in many cases well below zero, and even the Florida Keys have gotten in on the action. Our good friend Jim Leonard who lives in the middle Keys reported a morning low yesterday of 38 degrees!! WOW, now that's something you don't see very often at all. As it stands right now it's looking like the cold will start to lose it's grip starting tomorrow and by late week, we might actually reach the 40s! WOW, a virtual heat wave, lol. There's some rumblings of a possible weekend storm, but it's way too early to pin anything down right now. More updates to come regarding that. In the meantime, just another 9 or 10 weeks until Spring! The map below shows the current temps as I type this. Low 50s in Miami???

January 7th, 2010---: This winter is shaping up to be a doozy so far! We're only a few short weeks into the season and already we've seen one major snow storm, sub freezing temperatures, and Alberta Clipper is on the way, and with it, more snows to the NYC area. As with most Alberta Clipper systems, we're not talking about heavy snow fall totals, but this system will bring with it one to three inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. The bulk of the snow is forecast to fall between 3am and 9am tomorrow morning, insuring a hectic morning commute to work for many people. And this weekend is shaping up to be quite cold. Temperatures are forecast to hover in the mid 20s for the entire weekend, with morning lows in the teens! Below is a regional radar animation courtesy of WeatherTap showing this Alberta Clipper making a bee line for the northeast.

January 5th, 2010---: For the last few weeks we've been way below normal temperature wise, and this upcoming week and into the weekend will be no exception! We're averaging a good 10 degrees below normal, and by Friday morning, our daytime highs will only be in the low 20s! Night time temps will fall into the low teens, with single digits in the normally colder spots north and west of NYC. A storm system will move south and east of the area Thursday night, but as it appears right now, this low will pass too far south of us to bring any significant amount of snow to the area. However, I have a feeling that winter is just getting started, and it's only a matter of time before the next big nor'easter will be on our doorstep.

December 30th, 2009---: I can't believe that another decade has gone by. I remember like it was literally yesterday celebrating Y2K. And now here we are, on the verge of 2010! The last ten years certainly had it's up's and down's for me. It wasn't the easiest decade for me, but I accomplished and learned many things during it, and I can only hope that the next ten years are filled with fun, excitement and amazing storms!! All the best to everyone, and Happy New Year!

December 24th, 2009---: The digging out is finally done after our recent major winter storm. Now it's time to relax and enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe and enjoy! I'm really looking forward to 2010! We have a lot of things coming up in the new year and it's sure to be an exciting one!

December 22nd, 2009---: We're still digging out from our early season blizzard here in NYC and after three days, I'm STILL not done digging out the driveways! The pitched roofs on my block wreak havoc when it comes to snow storms. All the snow not only piles up in the driveway, it also gets funneled down from the roofs and we always end up with 4 to 5 feet of hard packed snow in the driveway. I'm almost done though chipping away at it and should have it all cleared out by tomorrow afternoon. My Xterra is parked at the top of the driveway since there is still some snow that has not yet fallen from the roof, and I can do without broken glass from falling ice chunks, lol. I've also posted some video that I shot in Manhattan during the height of the blizzard on my "latest video uploads" page! This same video can also be found on my YouTube Channel as well. Bounce on over to either one and check it out! Anyways, we are expecting another storm to hit Christmas Day, but this time around, it should be all rain for NYC. Great, the rain on top of the snow that's still everywhere should ensure a good flooding event. Stay tuned for news about that, and in the meantime.....Happy Holidays everyone!

December 21st, 2009---: This is unreal! Winter literally starts today and we already have a major snow storm under our belt, lol. The Blizzard we experienced on the 19th brought high winds and heavy snow to the NYC area, as well as much of the east coast! Washington, DC had historic snow fall totals, and even Upton, NY which is out on eastern Long Island experienced it's biggest snow fall ever with over 26 inches reported at the observation station. Here where I live in Queens our official totals ranged between 8.8 inches, and 14 inches. Quite a wide swath depending on whether you were in southern Queens, or northern Queens. Here at my place in central Queens I measured 11 inches. Manhattan came in with 10.9 inches. I've posted some video of this event on my YouTube Channel. Check it out! The link to my channel can be found at the bottom of my home page. Below are some official snow fall totals from this major winter storm.





UPTON 24.9 700 AM 12/20 NWS OFFICE
HOLBROOK 18.5 310 AM 12/20 PUBLIC

December 19th, 2009---: So much for a "glancing blow"! lol....This storm is really getting it's act together, and is taking the perfect track to bring us significant snows here in NYC! The snow line is heading north but as I type (9am) it's still fighting a lot of dry air up this way. This will be overcome by afternoon when the flakes will begin to fly. By evening we could already be looking at 2 to 4 inches on the ground, and conditions will only get worse as the evening wears on. All in all we could see almost a foot of snow from this storm! And that would certainly make this storm the worst storm we've seen in several years. And it's only December! I had a feeling that with all these coastal storms of the past few weeks, it was only a matter of time before things lined up and we got nailed. It's looking like now is the time. All we were missing was an artic high pressure to the north of us, now we have that. Check out the national radar animation below (Courtesy of WeatherTap). It's coming!! More updates to follow. I'll try to update later this evening, but it may have to wait until tomorrow morning as I will be out filming for most of tonight.

December 17th, 2009---: A storm system getting it's act together over the southern states at this time is poised to move up the coast this weekend, bringing with it the possibility of snow for the NYC Metro area. Right now it's not looking like a significant storm at all, more of a glancing blow...but the track of the storm is still in question. Anything can happen. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

December 13th, 2009---: Talk about an active weather pattern! Another fast moving system is moving through the east, and as I type, the NYC area is getting hit with some heavy rains! Since this morning my rain gage has recorded .56 inches of rain. With this latest bout moving through, I wouldn't be surprised if we topped the inch mark by later this evening. However, as with all of the systems of the past few weeks, this is another fast mover and by midnight tonight, we should be clearing out. This is good as the Geminid Meteor Showers peak tonight! I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of a few of them. The peak should be around midnight, so if we can clear out by then, we'll be in good shape. I'll keep you posted on how things turn out. Back to NYC weather news, after a relatively warm start to the week, we'll really cool down once again and by late week, our high temperatures will only make it to the mid 30s. Below is a regional radar animation courtesy of WeatherTap showing the heavy rains moving through the east. Notice the snows are confined to the extreme northern portions of NY State and Vermont.

December 8th, 2009---: Here we go again!! Another 72 hours has gone by, and here comes the next storm. This one is really packing a whollop! As I type this (6:30pm) parts of Iowa and Minnesota are experiencing blizzard conditions, with parts of the south under tornado watches. This latest storm has a little bit of everything. As far as what we can expect, rain...and a soaking one at that. The rains are expected to begin a few hours before sunrise, and will peak during the morning rush hour. We will remain on the warm side of this system, so no snow for us this time around. The low pressure will pass to our west, so our winds will be from the southeast. Check out the national radar winter mosaic! What a beast! As you can see, the rains are not far away from us here in NYC. This will be another quick moving system, so by tomorrow afternoon, we may even see a few breaks in the clouds. There's already talk of another possible storm this weekend, but details are pretty sketchy right now.

December 5th, 2009---: Just a quick update.....the snows are coming to an end here in NYC and it wasn't much to write home about. But, we did see our first snows of the year! Maybe a slushy inch of accumulation on the grassy areas, and on the cars but that was about it. Check out the two pictures below. The first one is of my Xterra (yep...those white blobs are snow flakes), and the second picture I took out in front. As you can see, it's not much..but it's official. Winter 2009 is here!

December 5th, 2009---: This is unreal! Yet ANOTHER in a series of nor'easters is heading up the coast yet again, literally on the heels of the one we had just three days ago. But this one is set to bring us our first snowfall of the season. It won't be anything to write home about, but we could see anywhere from a dusting, to an inch or two of slushy accumulation. The storm we experienced the other day brought with it high winds that knocked out power to parts of the tri-state area. My area was affected as well. Our power never went out, but we lost our cable TV and internet for a few hours on Thursday morning. The rains have begun here and I'll be sure to take some pictures when the rains change over to snow later this evening! Photos will be posted tomorrow. Below are two radar animations courtesy of WeatherTap showing a wide view, and regional view of this latest storm which is racing up the east coast. Note the rain/snow line which is currently still west of NYC. The snow line will inch it's way towards the coast later today as the winds shift around, and colder air gets pulled on in to my area.

December 2nd, 2009---: It's literally like a broken record these days, lol. Yet ANOTHER powerful nor'easter is racing up the east coast and the rains have already begun here in the NYC area. But, things are set to get a lot worse during the overnight hours. Right now the winds are still relatively calm, but they will rapidly increase as the night wears on. We could see scattered power outages around the area, along with downed tree brances and limbs. If this general pattern holds for the rest of the winter, look out! All we're missing right now is the polar high to the north of us, get that into place and we'll be talking major snows! Below is an excerpt from the official NWS discussion released earlier this afternoon regarding this latest event.


Check out the super impressive national radar animation below showing this classic looking storm heading up the coast!

November 27th, 2009---: Another nor'easter is currently affecting our area, but this one doesn't have much rain associated with it. Most, if not all of the rain has been well to the north and east of my area, but the winds...that's a different story! The winds started picking up earlier this afternoon and will only get worse as we continue into the overnight hours. Temperatures aren't really that cold, but with the wind, it feels like it's in the 30s outside right now. We have a wind advisory in effect until noon tomorrow, and we are expecting some scattered showers throughout the night time hours. However, judging by the current radar trends, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see any rain out of this system at all. However, with the close proximity of the low, a pop up shower could occur at any time. Below is a regional radar animation showing where the storm is currently. Note the rains which are well north and east of the NYC area.

November 23rd, 2009---: It's starting to look like we could be in for another nor'easter later in the week, possibly taking shape on Thanksgiving Day! In the short term however, things look wet this evening with rain heading up the I-95 corridor and into the NYC area after 6pm tonight. After a short break during the latter half of the day tomorrow, and on Wednesday, another storm now centered over Colorado could be the catalyst for another nor'easter in the making. Right now things are still very sketchy, and many details still have to be ironed out, but it could get interesting. Not in terms of snow, still a little too early for that, but in terms of rain and more importantly, high winds for Thanksgiving night and into Friday. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to this event. I'm starting to get the feeling that we could be in for one heck of a winter here in NYC! Time will tell.

November 20th, 2009---: We had one heck of a wake up call last night about 4am! One VERY loud crack of thunder, followed by several booms and bangs, literally window rattlers! Following the explosions the heavy rains moved in with force. All of this didn't last too long however and by 7am, skies were already clearing and what a day it turned out to be! Temperatures in the mid 60s under partly sunny skies, it doesn't get better than that for late November. This will not last however as temps the next several days are forecast to fall back into the mid 50s. Still though, that's about average if not a little above average for this time of year so we're doing pretty good so far. We'll have to deal with some on and off rain throughout Thanksgiving week however, but oh well. Sunday night and Monday will feature some possible heavy rains moving into the area and yet another coastal storm takes shape and affects the area.

November 17th, 2009---: After our recent nor'easter we're in for some tranquil weather here in NYC the next few days. Temperatures will remain at, or slightly above normal this week, with very little rain in sight. We do have a shot at some rain Thursday and into Friday, but the forecast is still being fine tuned regarding that. All in all, we're experiencing some pretty nice conditions considering it's mid November! Nothing much else to report at this time.

November 13th, 2009---: What a nasty day it's turning out to be here in NYC! All morning we have been buffeted by strong wind gusts, and it's only going to get worse as the day wears on! My weather station recorded a peak wind gust here at my place to 41mph. This is all thanks to what was once Hurricane Ida. She is responsible for our first nor'easter of the season. While I don't think we'll see the kind of damage that was witnessed in Virginia yesterday, I do think that many of the coastal locations in my area, mainly on the north shore of Long Island Sound, will sustain some damage from this storm. I'm expecting some trees down in the area, and if I come across any damage, photos will be posted tomorrow! Below is an animated regional radar showing the rains moving into my area from the Atlantic. Image courtesy of WeatherTap.

November 12th, 2009---: The remnants of what was once Hurricane Ida are slamming the mid Atlantic states this afternoon with, in some cases, even stronger winds and rains than when Ida initially came ashore! At first it seemed like the New York City area would escape this storm, as it was originally thought that the rain shield would stay to our south. But, this appears unlikely now, and the forecast for tomorrow is looking pretty bleak with winds and rains moving into my area. We're already seeing scattered showers today, with temperatures in the upper 40s, but tomorrow is looking way worse than today. There is also a tight pressure gradient between a high pressure ridge to our north, and low pressure associated with Ida's remnants to our south. Who's in between? We are! So as the day wears on, our winds will increase and by tonight, we could be looking at gusts up to 40mph. The storm will depart the coast by tomorrow night, and for now at least the weekend is looking relatively dry. I'll post another update tomorrow. Below is an animated regional radar image showing Ida's remnants slowly making their way up the coast. Image courtesy of WeatherTap.

November 10th, 2009---: How great has the weather been here in NYC the past few days? Ok, well if you don't live here, then you don't know how great it's been, lol. The answer is AWESOME! 67 degrees yesterday, about 70 degrees the day can't ask for better than that for this time of year. Today however, well, it's definitely on the cloudy side, but with temps still forecast to be in the low 60s, I won't complain too much. The party is just about over however as light rain will move in later tonight with the approach of a cold front. And Wednesday temps are forecast to fall back into the low 50s, more typical for this time of year. The rest of the week will feature temperatures about average for this time of year, so all in all, not bad at all I say! Looks like I still will be able to take some more outdoor runs in my neighborhood before the real cold weather settles in, and then it'll be back to the treadmill in the gym for me!

November 1st, 2009---: Last night marked the official end to daylight savings time. A sure sign that fall is here! And wow does it feel like it outside today. Actually, yesterday was rather nice with temperatures in the mid 60s for most of the day. But the showers, with some embedded heavy rains moved in around 8pm, just in time for the big Halloween Parade down in Greenwich Village. Today temps are struggling to get out of the low 50s with cloudy skies dominating. I'll be spending this upcoming week preparing for my radio interview on Thursday! That's right, I'll be a guest on the Barometer Bob show this Thursday night (Nov 5th) at 8pm. Full details will be posted by tomorrow morning on my main page, so be sure to check back. It's an internet radio program so anyone, anywhere can listen in to the live broadcast!

October 28th, 2009---: Lately here in NYC it seems like all it does is rain! We had a bout of heavy rain and flooding that moved through my area with storm #1 this past weekend, and today just 4 days later, we're getting it again! The rains started yesterday morning, tapered off during the afternoon and evening, and then picked back up in intensity last night. This morning I woke just before sunrise and the streets were once again flooded in spots. It's looking however like the worst of it is over with as we are in between two rain shields at this time. The Yankees have the first game of the World's Series here in NY tonight and it's looking like they may get that game in without any problems. Not much of a sports fan myself though (I know that sounds unholy for a guy to say, lol...but it is what it is) Below are a few pictures showing the rains coming down here this morning, as seen from my driveway, along with a regional radar shot taken just a little while ago showing us in between the two areas of moderate to heavy rains.

October 26th, 2009---: Saturday was a blast, at least for most of the day that is. I met up with Dave Lewison and Bill Hark (both fellow chasers) and we attended the big Photo Expo at the Javitz Center in Manhattan. A great time was had, but the weather certainly did not want to cooperate, lol. When we left the expo, we decided to met up with some other friends and ate dinner at this joint on 8th Ave near Madison Square Garden. We had a great dinner, but by the time we all left, which was around 6:30pm, the heavy rains had moved in and it was coming down in buckets! I had to wade my way up 34th street to catch the F Train back to Queens. The E from 8th Ave, which was where we were, was NOT running due to track maintenence. Do they tell you this though, no....of course not. I ended up standing in the 8th Ave subway station for 30 minutes before I figured this out for myself. So out into the rain it was and I managed to make it to the 6th Ave station rather quick, all things considering. That's when my cell phone died for no reason. Great. So, I made it back to Queens and as luck would have it, the Verizon store was open so I ran in and they swapped out my phone, for a few one. Now, I'm only parked a few blocks from this particular Verizon store in Forest Hills, Queens so why did it take me 20 minutes to walk back to my car? lol....because every single road and sidewalk leading back to my car was flooded big time!! I had never seen anything like it. You would have thought we received like 10 inches of rain, what gives!? I literally had to walk a few blocks over and then proceeded to jump as best I could over the ankle, to in some cases, knee deep water that was covering the roads and sidewalks. Thankfully though, I made it home, soaked...but fine, and that ended that experience. No big deal overall as I am used to inclement weather. Just wasn't expecting it to this magnitude that day. I'll be posting some pictures of our time at the Expo in the Photo Gallery under the "New York" heading. Be sure to check back!

October 23rd, 2009---: Fall is once again in full swing here in the New York City area. Temperatures yesterday reached the mid 70s, but I have the feeling that this will be the last time we see temps that warm until next spring. This morning, we have dropped back into the low 50s, much more typical of this time of year. The trees are reaching their peak colors, and I would expect that over the next week we'll see the best of the fall colors here in the city! That is, unless the rain and wind of tonight and tomorrow don't blow all the leaves off the trees! lol. There is a major system heading for our area this evening and the rain will pick up in intensity overnight and into tomorrow. On top of the heavy rains, there is a slight chance that we could see a narrow line of severe storms roll through the area with the cold front tomorrow evening! I will be in Manhattan for the big photo expo at the Javitz Center tomorrow and will have my camera with me. Photos will be posted over the next couple of days showing the fall colors here in the city, along with anything else exciting I capture tomorrow when the nasty weather arrives. Be sure to check back for updates and postings. Below is a national radar image taken just a little while ago showing the storm system heading towards the east coast. Image Courtesy of:

October 22nd, 2009---: Yesterday was beautiful here in NYC, and today is even better with temperatures in the low 70s!! But, this is summers last breath as more typical fall like weather will return to our area tomorrow, and through the weekend. Saturday is looking downright miserable too with rain and wind, but with temps in the low 60s, at least it won't be freezing to boot! The fall colors are beginning to show up on the trees in my area, and it won't be long before we're talking about snow!

October 7th, 2009---: After some light rain and drizzle here this morning, we're in for some really gusty winds behind the cold front this afternoon! Right now as I type it's rather calm outside, but that won't last for long as strong winds are forecast to hit my area later on this afternoon. The leaves are beginning to change color as well, sure signs that Fall is here!

September 30th, 2009---: Fall has begun! WOW, where did the time go? We didn't really have much of a summer overall, and I now it's time to start focusing on the fall nor'easters, as well as the upcoming winter season. How much snow will we get, will it be a cold winter? All questions that remain to be answered. The weather chilled down big time this morning with low's in the upper 50s. Tomorrow morning will be even chillier with lows dipping into the low 50s. That's nothing compared to what we'll see over the coming months, but it is a stark reminded that Fall is here!

September 14th, 2009---: Well it's been a while since this page has been updated. This is due to the fact that nothing much has been going on! We did finally see our 90 degree heat here in New York City during the month of August, but overall it was a very blahhh type summer overall. Yeah there were a few good thunderstorm events, but overall nothing much to write home about. As we slowly transition into Fall over the coming weeks, the leaves will start to change color again, and we'll have another long winter to deal with. But to be honest, I like the seasons so I'm kind of looking forward to it. Without the cold winter months, I don't think I'd enjoy the warmer months as much.

July 29th, 2009---: Several rounds of storms hit my area this afternoon and evening bringing more heavy rains and lightning to the area! There was even a report of a tornado in Sussex County, NJ. The NWS is currently investigating this as I type. Actually, storms are still ongoing right now and from the looks of the current radar, things will remain active until around midnight, possibly later! Humid conditions will persist through the rest of this week and possibly into this weekend. We may not have hit 90 degrees yet here in NYC, but these humid conditions sure make it feel summer like! Below is a radar screen cap taken earlier this afternoon as storms rolled into my area. Radar screenshot courtesy of WeatherTap HD

July 28th, 2009---: Here we are at the end of July and we STILL haven't hit 90 degrees here in NYC!! That hasn't happened since 1996. But, this below normal pattern we've been in isn't all bad. The persistant trough in the east has been bringing us some good thunderstorm days, the latest round was just this past Sunday. And tomorrow is looking to be another potentially active day. SPC already has NYC in a slight risk for severe weather tomorrow, and I'll be keeping an eye to the sky for sure!

July 8th, 2009---: What a surprise last night was! Even though we really didn't get much in the way of anything exciting here in Rego Park, Queens....area's just a few miles to the north and to the east saw some wild weather. I was awoken around midnight last night by the howling winds outside my window. I could see the trees swaying big time and I knew that a big storm had to be close by. Lightning flashed and that was all it took for me to get up to see what was going on. When I went to bed, everything was quiet as I figured all the storms were done for the day, wrong! I never even checked the radar or I would have seen a supercell storm headed for my neck of the woods. This storm dumped nickel to quarter size hail in Yonkers, NY (just to my north), and it also prompted a tornado warning for Nassau County, NY (just to my east). All we got here was a great lightning display and a few drops of rain. The high winds I was experiencing were the storms outflow. Below is the official warning that went out for Nassau County. A damage survey was conducted this morning and it was determined that the damage that occured in parts of the area was in fact straight line winds, and not a tornado. Still though, I hope Summer 2009 has more exciting weather in store for my area over the next two months!

945 WFUS51 KOKX 080351 TOROKX NYC059-080415-
1151 PM EDT TUE JUL 7 2009
* UNTIL 1215 AM EDT...




July 3rd, 2009---: It's been a few weeks since my last post about our NYC weather and wow is there a LOT to talk about!! Over 9 inches of rain fell here in the city since June 1st! This was our second wettest June on record, and we missed the all time wettest June by only 1/4 of an inch! I was away for a good chunk of the month, well.....2 1/2 weeks of the month anyway, so I missed a lot of the soaking rain events, but I heard plenty of stories from my family and friends upon my return. And the pattern is continuing into July. Yesterday we saw more soaking rains, and even a pop up severe thunderstorm rolled through my area around 7pm last night downing trees and powerlines all over the neighborhood. Tomorrow however is looking to be bright and sunny, thank god!! I'm hosting a 4th of July BBQ and was keeping my fingers crossed that the weather was going to work out for the better. A good time will be had by all I'm sure. Happy Independence Day to all who are reading this. Hope your 4th of July festivities go off without a hitch! Below is a radar screenshot of the pop up severe storms that rolled through Rego Park, Queens where I live yesterday evening. Radar screenshot courtesy of WeatherTap HD

May 11th, 2009---: Talk about a NASTY May so far! After breaking record highs at the end of April, May so far has bee anything but beautiful. I think it rained almost every day this month with the exception of yesterday and today. Ughhh, talk about dreary weather. Last week, it started raining, and it just didn't stop. And on top of that, we've been below normal temperature wise as well. Today was partly sunny with temps in the low 60s, still below normal for this time of year, but I'll take it over the rain of last week. Needless to say the trees and flowers just exploded with all the rain of late. At least this week we'll have plenty of sun, so for now, we'll have a break. Tomorrow I gotta get out and mow the law, weed & trim. I haven't been able to tend to a lot of that stuff due to all the rain. I'd prefer not to mow wet grass, cleaning the lawn mower afterward is a pain in the butt!

April 21st, 2009---: Talk about torrential rains! For the most part, all day yesterday was horrible. Raw, rainy & windy conditions prevailed but that was nothing compared to the deluge we received between 9pm and 11pm last night. A batch of heavy thunderstorms moved through the tri state area and my rain gage recorded over 1.75 inches of rain in just 90 minutes! Lots of lightning was to be had as well which was really nice! So, our first good round of storms occured last night and hopefully there's more where that came from over the coming weeks/months. In other news, the trees are blooming in full force, spring is here! All though you wouldn't really know it by today's weather which is still raw and rainy. But, by this weekend it's looking like we'll be back in the upper 70s once again! Can't wait for that. This Saturday I'll be heading up to Dave's place near Poughkeepsie, NY for the last phase of our driver/passenger hail guards. We'll also be installing the windshield guard once again. More about that coming in our chase blog section.

April 14th, 2009---: Here we are in mid April already but you sure as heck wouldn't know it! We've been well below average temperature wise for several weeks now and have yet to crack the 70 degree mark. Actually, it still feels a lot like winter and I'm still having to wear my hat during the morning hours. Yesterday we awoke to temperatures still in the 30s. Finally though things are starting to look up and if get lucky, we may break the 70 degree mark for the first time this Spring on Friday. Starting on Thursday of this week temps will begin to climb and right now it's looking like we may have a nice string of days before another huge trough digs it's heels into the east. At least the trees are starting to bloom, however, another few cold nights and the plants and flowers that have begun to bloom will be doomed. Got lots to do over the coming two weeks as well with our annual storm chasing trip rapidly approaching! You can read more about that in my storm chase blog section.

March 2nd, 2009---: Today we were hit with our biggest snowfall of the winter! Actually, it was the biggest snowfall we've seen in almost 2 years! Rego Park, Queens where I live clocked in with almost 10 inches of snow, and Central Park, Manhattan recorded 8 inches total. I was up before the crack of dawn this morning and was in Manhattan by 7am, right as there was a lull in the snow. The lull didn't last long however and by 8:30 we had another busrt of heavy snows move through. Then came the winds! And wow were they strong!! Strong enough to tear some siding off the side of my house. Now that we've had our one good snowfall, I think I'm ready for Spring now, lol. But, with temperatures as I type this in the teens, Spring feels a long time away!

February 24th, 2009---: So far this winter we have not seem much in the way of snow. Well overall I think we've received around 18 inches total, but that amount has been spaced out over several events. We have not seen that one big one. All of the coastal systems that took shape this season were either too far south to give us any effects, or were too far north and in turn pulled in the warmer ocean air giving us a mainly rain event. There is still time of course as this is only late February, but my attention is beginning to turn towards the spring! Just another two months and Dave and I will get gearing up to hit the road!!

January 12th, 2009---: Well so much for the "significant snowstorm"! lol. Nothing much ever materialized and we ended up getting only an inch or two of snow. A lot of hype with no return! Oh well, guess we'll just have to wait a little longer. But with this being almost mid January, it shouldn't be long before we get nailed with a significant winter storm. The other big story this week will be the bitterly cold temperatures towards the end of the week. This will be some of the coldest air we've experienced in several years. Temps early Thursday and Friday mornings are forecast to be in the single digits with highs never getting out of the teens. Ughhh.

January 9th, 2009---: Our first truly significant snowstorm of the winter season appears to be in the making. Right now the forecast calls for between 5-7 inches of snow for the New York City area but depending on which forecast model you believe, it could be more or less. The GFS is calling for a faster moving system, while the ETA/NAM is calling for a slower scenario. Both show possible mixing of sleet and freezing rain overnight tomorrow but we'll just have to wait and see. Right now it looks like the snows will begin in my area early in the afternoon tomorrow (Saturday) and continue on right through tomorrow night. Stay tuned for more updates!

December 22nd, 2008---: I've posted some photos of the snowstorm on our "New York" Photos page! Check em out!

December 21st, 2008---: Our first snowstorm of the season struck two days ago and while we didn't get a ton of snow, we did manage to get about 4 inches before all was said and done. The problem now is that temps have warmed into the middle 30's and we have a lot of melting going on. We're trying our best to get all the slush out of our driveway before everything re freezes tonight. If we don't, it'll be an ice skating rink outside! During the storm, I hopped the subway into Manhattan and shot some video. The corner of 58th Street and 5th Avenue became a wind tunnel where many umbrellas ended up in the garbage can! I'll post some pictures shortly!

December 13th, 2008---: A powerful coastal storm affected the northeast the past few days bringing heavy flooding rains, and severe icing to parts of upstate NY and Massachuttes. No icing here in the New York City area, but we did receive 3.3 inches of rain in my area, along with some strong and gusty winds. Christmas is just around the corner and winter is just a week away so we're in it for the long haul now. Many cold days and nights ahead that's for sure.

November 1st, 2008---: Here we are, fall is here! Not much in the way of weather to talk about the past few weeks. Well, it has been pretty warm for much of October and the fall foliage has been great. I've taken many pictures over the past few weeks and I hope to get some posted soon. Dave and I are still waiting on our Nor'easter oppourtunity and if we get a good one heading up the coast this fall/winter, we'll be traveling up to Cape Cod to document it! That'll definitely be fun! Nothing much else to report, just getting set to settle in for the long winter. I will update this page periodically throughout the fall/winter when we get something of note.

September 27th, 2008---: Two more months have gone by and now that summer has come and gone, cooler weather is beginning to set on in. Actually, as I type this we are in the midst of a full blown noreaster or sorts. What I mean is we have the rare combination of a near tropical storm moving up the coast, combined with the effect of Tropical Storm Kyle which is a few hundred miles off the east coast! Last night I awoke several times to the wind driven rain slamming against the windows. By morning my rain gauge registered almost 3 inches of rain! The rains began around midnight and didn't let up until around 8am this morning! We're expecting more heavy rains tonight, and then things should start tapering off around mid day tomorrow....

July 23rd, 2008---: Not a lot going on in NYC as of late, but here we are practically at the height of summer! This summer so far has been on the warm side, and the last week has been no exception to that. We've on our 7th day in a row of heat and humidity. The string of 90+ degree days broke a few days back, but the humidity levels are still VERY high and as I type this, we're sitting at a sultry 80 degrees with a dewpoint of 71! This morning I was awoken by thunder (always a nice surprise in my book) around 5am and wow did the rains come down!! Then about 3 hours later we had a wicked line of storms fire up just to my south and east. Those storms missed my area as they moved off into Nassau County just to our east. Flood watches and warning are out in full force today with the tropical airmass in place. We're also under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10pm and right now there are storms firing up to our west and southwest in New Jersey. I'll be keeping an eye out for any storms heading my way later this afternoon & evening!

July 1st, 2008---: Here were are two months or so later. I've been busy with storm chasing so I haven't updated my NYC page in a little while as you can see. All is good here though. We're now into summer and things are heating up big time. Actually, I like the pattern we've been in...the overall pattern has featured a trough of sorts in the east which has been giving us many thunderstorm days, today is no different! We've been on the hot and muggy side as well. Dewpoints in the upper 60s coupled with temps in the 80s have brought us several rounds of storms over the past few weeks. As I mentioned, today is no different. We could be seeing some storms later on this afternoon, but it's not a big risk, just isolated stuff is possible. I'm focusing more on my 4th of July BBQ which will be coming up this Friday. Nature might create some fireworks of her own as well! I'll do my best to update regularly during the summer...check back soon!

April 19th, 2008---: It's been two months since I've posted any NYC updates. Spring is now in full bloom here in New York City and the trees and flowers are once again coming alive! This is my favorite time of year without a doubt. The past few days have been fantastic with highs close to the 80 degree mark! Tomorrow we'll drop back down into the lower 60s, but I won't complain since that's still not too bad. I took some shots around my neighborhood of the spring scenes! Check out my "New York City" photos page to view them.

February 29th, 2008---: After a very busy week I've finally had some time to update this page! Well, we finally had a snowstorm. It happened one week ago today and we received about 6 inches of snow. I headed into Manhattan early to get some shots and made it there just in time for the heavy stuff! It wasn't a full on blizzard by any means, but at least it was something. Tonight we're expecting another 2 inches of snow give or take, but other than that....nothing else is on the horizon. Well, nothing snow wise is on the horizon, but there is a heavy rain event shaping up for next week! Could be a doozy! Stay tuned....

February 12th, 2008---: Today marks the two year anniversary of our historic blizzard here in NYC! Two years ago today over 26 inches of snow fell, this year.....practically ZERO!! However, today we are actually going to see some of the white stuff here in my area. But, it's not going to last too long at all. The snow is beginning to fall as I type this, but the change over to sleet and then rain is expected to take place later this evening. All in all about an inch or two of snow is expected before the change over. If this holds true, I'll head out and shoot some video later this evening locally. In other news, Dave and I are already in our VERY early planning stages for this years chase trip! Less than 3 months to go!

January 15th, 2008---: First off, Happy New Year to all! Two days ago here in NYC it was looking like we were in for our first major snowstorm of the winter! I had all my gear ready and set the alarm early so I could get a jump on shooting video. But it wasn't to be. I awoke yesterday morning to find NOTHING on the ground at all! Winter storms are very hard to forecast as the slightest change in the forecast track drastically changes snowfall totals. This was the case here. Oh well, the winter is still young so we plenty of time left to get nailed by a major nor'easter, lol. Now back to the boring cold weather...

December 25th, 2007---: Merry Christmas to everyone! And wow, it's hard to believe that another year has pretty much come and gone! Seems like yesterday I was contemplating how 2007 was going to turn out, and now I'm doing the same for 2008. As far as our weather here in NYC, it's been up and down temperature wise, but so far we really haven't had any major cold snaps. A few cold days so far this month, but nothing too bad.....yet! This week our temps have been in the 40's, and today being Christmas, we're a bit above normal with temps in the mid 40s under partly sunny skies. We're just now beginning to enter the time of year where major nor'easters become more and more likely, time will tell if the NYC area will see another whopper of a storm this winter, or if we'll get off lucky.

November 14th, 2007---: After a long stretch of above normal temperatures, fall has finally arrived here in New York City. Well, it actually started chilling down last week, but I haven't had time to update the website until now. Today however, we're experiencing above normal temps in the 60's. But this will not last long at all as the coldest air of the fall so far is forecast to move in here by late this week. What's really amazing is that many of the trees in my area still have retained their green leaves! Yes, there are fall colors everywhere, but there are still a good amount that are mostly green. This will change very soon as the colder air settles in. But it really is odd having trees with many of their leaves intact this late into November. By now, most of them are usually bare. As far as what this upcoming winter will bring?..we'll see!

October 25th, 2007---: So far this fall season we've been way above normal temperature wise. There have been several days this month where we reached the 70's, even a few 80 degree days mixed in there as well! And this unseasonably warm weather has really delayed the fall foliage here in the city. Actually, some of the trees are going straight from green, to brown. While some color can be found on certain types of trees, for the most part, many of the trees still have retained their green leaves. Today I will be heading over to Flushing Meadows Park in Queens to document some of the fall foliage, lol....but I don't think I'll be getting a ton of stuff. Still though, there should be enough color to make the drive over there worth it. Things are forecast to cool down to more seasonable levels over the coming days, so it seems that we're finally slipping into true fall, all though it's a month late!

August 9th, 2007---: Well yesterday will be one for the history books! An EF2 tornado touched down in Staten Island, and then moved into the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn area where it did extensive damage to homes and businesses. This storm was completely insane! I've already been asked countless times "why weren't you there?" Aside from the tornado hitting at 6:30 in the morning, tornadoes are so rare here that it wasn't really something I was thinking of when I awoke at 6am to the sound of thunder. And, tornadoes here are different than your typical midwest tornadoes. I can guarantee that this tornado was completely rain wrapped and wouldn't have been visible until it was on top of you.

I do wish now though that I would of at least filmed some of the storm, but even if I would of decided to film, I wouldn't of been in Brooklyn, I would of filmed from my area of Queens, NY. So in the end, I watched the entire storm from my bedroom window. There wasn't much in the way of cloud to ground lightning strikes from what I saw, but man oh man were there tons of flashes. Literally every second there was a flash of lightning. My area also received about 2 inches of rain in less than an hour! All in all, an incredible day! The National Weather Service has completed it's survey of the damage caused by the storm, to read the full report, click on the link below!

August 8th, 2007- Brooklyn, NY Tornado Damage Assessment

August 4th, 2007---: Last night was certainly one to remember! It's not often that we get really good late evening thunderstorms here in NYC, but we made up for that last night! I started noticing lightning in the distance around 10pm and quickly booted up my computer to see what was going on. Sure enough, there were a line of storms moving through northern NJ, and they were heading right for us. I grabbed my camera gear and headed out the door. It took a while since the storms weren't moving that fast, but when they got here they put on one heck of a show! To view a 2 1/2 minute video clip, click on the link below. In other news, we're currently experiencing our first real heat wave of the summer. Temperatures over the past few days have been in the low 90's, with dewpoints around 70! Today we'll see the same, and tomorrow is also promising to be another scorcher!

August 3rd, 2007- Queens, NY Late Evening Severe Storms

July 18th, 2007---: Yesterday Queens, NY saw some of it's most extreme weather in quite some time! Between 7am and 11am yesterday morning, my rain gauge recorded 3.70 inches of rain! I grabbed my camera and headed out the door around 9am and set up shop on 58th Street in Maspeth, Queens. This location is known for it's flooding, and yesterday verified this big time. I rolled video for about 10 minutes at this location, and got shots of many trucks and cars trying to negotiate the flooded streets. All in all we saw 4 seperate rounds of storms move through my area, each one bringing with it a deluge of rain. And, to top things off...Islip, NY which is out on Long Island had a confirmed tornado! Today looks to be another active day here in Queens so I'll be ready with my camera once again. I've posted a bunch of video stills from yesterday on my "New York" photos page, be sure to check them out!

June 28th, 2007---: It's certainly been a while since I've updated this page. But, now that summer is here, the updates will be more frequent. With summer, comes thunderstorms....and that's exactly what we experienced today!! We had one lone storm form right on top of my neighborhood here in Central Queens around 3:30 this afternoon. It didn't last long, but it was INTENSE!! Lots of lightning, high winds, and torrential rains. My rain gauge recorded .25 inches of rain in just 10 minutes! You may have seen some of my video this evening on The Weather Channel. If not, Click Here to view the full 90 second clip!

February 16th, 2007---: Here we are already halfway through winter, and up until the other day, we hadn't seen any wintry type weather at all! That changed on Valentine's Day when NYC received a mixed bag of snow, freezing rain & ice. Most of what fell was freezing rain, with only a little bit of snow towards the tail end of the storm. Driving was next to impossible, so I decided to hoof it around the area to take some pictures. I hopped the subway into Manhattan and was greeted with slippery sidewalks, and taxi cabs that just didn't know when to slow down! Several almost ran me All was good though, and I managed to get a few decent shots that I've posted on the site. Scroll over the "photos" button and select the "New York" icon. Check them out when you get the chance! In other news, temperatures have been well below normal for the better part of a month now. I'm really looking forward to the spring!!

December 28th, 2006---: Another year has come and gone. And this page has been quiet the past few months once again...why...well nothing has been going Overall we've escaped any artic outbreaks thus far, and you'll hear no complaints from me! November and December have been relatively warm, with only two very cold days at the beginning of the month where temperatures topped out in the upper 20's. And, for the first time in a very long time, we haven't even had so much as a flurry of snow in December. What will January have in store for us? Time will tell. But with a new year just about on top of us, my thoughts will once again shift to the spring, and tornado season. Happy New Year everyone!

October 12th, 2006---: This page has been quiet the past few months, and why?.....because nothing at all has been going Yes, there were a few days where we had some nice thunderstorms roll through the area, but overall.....2006 will end up being a quiet year. Today we're experiencing temps in the upper 60's under partly cloudy skies, tomorrow however we're in for a big cool down! Temps Friday night will be in the upper 30's to low 40's, fall is here!

July 27th, 2006---: And here another month has gone by. Over the past few weeks NYC has experienced some pretty hardcore heatwaves! Along with the heat came power outages here in Queens, and a nasty round of thunderstorms that hit the area last Friday the 21st. The first round came in around 9am and we got round after round from that point on. The storms didn't let up until around 8pm that evening! What a great day it was, you don't see that too often around here so I was on cloud 9!!! And once again, we are in for another heatwave starting today. Temps this afternoon are in the mid 80's with dewpoints around 75! WOW, talk about humid as hell!! The temps are going to be going up and by Saturday our forecast high might reach the century mark. There is also the possibility of storms tomorrow, but that pesky marine layer might squash any activity from making it to the coast. We will see.

June 26th, 2006---: Been a while since my last update on this page. Now that summer is here there will be more posts as our weather usually becomes more active. So far we haven't experienced many days with active severe weather, well....I should say that there were several days of active severe weather in the Tri State area, but nothing made it to the coast where I live. The past few days have been warm & humid with plenty of rain. This unsettled pattern will last throughout the week and possibly into next weekend. Over the last two days my area in Queens, NY has received over an inch and a half of rain. This is nothing compared to what Washington, D.C. has gotten. Parts of the D.C. area are completely under water!

February 12th, 2006---: Ok....WOW!! NYC just experienced it's worst blizzard on record! The old record which was 26.4 inches in Central Park back on December 26th/27th, 1947 is now history. The new record set this afternoon is 26.9 inches. And here I thought we were just going to get a run of the mill snowstorm! I have also been shooting time lapse video of this storm since 4pm yesterday afternoon and will post that video soon as well.

February 10th, 2006---: It's looking more and more like the possibility of a major blizzard here in the NYC area will materialize. Guess we're going to have to pay for all the warm weather of late. The snow is expected to start falling in my area tomorrow afternoon and will become heavier as the evening progresses. Depending on where the heavier bands of snow set up will determine our final snowfall tally. Right now we're looking at anywhere between 6 and 12 inches total, but that can easily change. More updates to follow!

January 31st, 2006---: And the above average temperatures continue! This past month has been great as far as temps go, we've been above average pretty much the entire month. And now that we're heading into February, the above average temps will continue, all though it will be a bit unsettled. No complaints though, I'll take the rain anyday over the snow. Yesterday in Central Park we reached a high of 64 degrees, I actually had to take my coat off and tie it around my waist. There's still plenty of time for us to return to more winter like conditions here in NYC, but every week that goes by that we're above average, is one more week closer to Spring.

January 11th, 2006---: The past few weeks here in NYC haven't been that bad at all! I hope this continues for at least a little while longer. No major snow events, and above average temps...I can get used to this. While some rain is on the way for later this evening and into tonight, tomorrow is looking to be another April like day here in the city. Temps are forecast to be around the 60 degree mark under partly cloudy skies. This coming Sunday looks right now to be the day where things go back to normal for this time of year. But even so, a forecast high on Sunday of 38 degrees isn't bad at all!

December 29th, 2005---: The past few days we've experienced unsettled weather, but above average temperatures. I'm not going to complain since the longer we go without any major cold snaps the better. So 2005 is coming to a close and what a year it has been! Between our successful midwest trips in May and June, and of course...our Hurricane Katrina chase, this year will be one to remember. The rest of 2005 looks to be unsettled with more above average temps. We'll see what 2006 has in store for us..

December 15th, 2005---: The last few days here in NYC have been very cold for this time of year. Temperatures yesterday morning dropped to 14 degrees here in the city, and into the single digits north and west of the city. Today with temps in the low 30's, it feels like a virtual heatwave compared to the last few days. More unsettled weather is on the way for tonight into tomorrow, but it looks like it's going to be a mostly rain event near the coast. I'm thankful for that. But, with winter not even officially here, there is still plenty of time for those blockbuster's just a matter of time.

December 8th, 2005---: More snow is on the way for the NYC area. This is the third storm this week, and looks to be the most intense of the three. Living along the coast however, it's very likely that we'll see a mix of snow and rain towards daybreak tomorrow which will keep snow totals down in my area. The worst of the storm is forecast to take place between 4am and 10am tomorrow, we'll see how this all pans out. It all depends on the exact track of the low moving up the east coast. 50 miles either way will make a huge difference.

November 16th, 2005---: Today we saw early temps in the low 70's under partly sunny skies, this will not last long however. A strong cold front is in the process of moving through the area and by tomorrow, high temps will only make it to the upper 40's. This chill will last into the upcoming weekend with highs in the 40's and low's in the low 30's. This cold front is responsible for the tornado outbreak yesterday in the midwest. We will not see that kind of weather here in the NYC area, but a few rumbles of thunder are possible later this afternoon.

November 9th, 2005---: Fall has finally arrived here in the NYC area. After a few warm days, temps are starting to fall back to more seasonable levels. It won't be long until the really cold stuff arrives, along with the snow. Not looking forward to that at all. Now's the time of year when we start dreaming of next spring.

October 12th, 2005---: The rain here the past few days has been ridiculous! Over the last four days my rain gauge has recorded over 6.6 inches of rain! My basement is getting flooded big time and I spent most of the afternoon and evening using the wet/dry vac downstairs. More rain is on the way for tomorrow with another 2 to 4 inches expected. Areas north and west of NYC have received over a foot of rain during the last few days.

September 28th, 2005---: There is definitely a hint of fall in the air here in NYC. This morning I woke to temperatures in the upper 50's. After the very hot summer we've had, I almost welcomed the cool down....notice I said "almost". I have no doubt though that when the cold weather sets in, I will be counting the days until next spring.

August 14th, 2005---: The break in the hot & humid weather did not last long. for the past week and a half we've been baking under some extreme heat. Yesterday Central Park recorded a record high of 100 degrees! My weather station here in Rego Park, Queens recorded a high of 102 with a dewpoint of 77! Now that's as bad as it gets! Today there is the chance of thunderstorms, but that's something that I'm not counting on. We haven't seen any rain here Queens since July 27th. We are however under a severe thunderstorm watch until 10pm this evening. Tomorrow there should be a break in the heatwave with temps in the 80's and lower humidity levels.

July 29th, 2005---: After a long stretch of hot and humid weather, things have finally cooled down a bit here in NYC. I don't mind the heat at all, but with temps in the 90's the past week, and dewpoints in the mid 70's, that was a bit much even for me. Still though, I'll take it any day over the cold weather. The forecast looks pretty decent at least for the next few days with temps in the 80's, and moderate humidity levels.

June 28th, 2005---: Temps are no longer below average here in NYC! Currently we have a tropical airmass in place with temps in the 80's and dewpoints in the 70's. Yesterday, the temperature only got to 78 degrees, but with a dewpoint in the low 70' definitely could feel it! Around 5pm yesterday, the skies completely opened up with torrential rains and localized flooding in my area. We received a little over an inch of rain in a half an hour! Today and tomorrow are calling for the same, partly sunny skies with afternoon showers and thunderstorms. It looks like Dave and I will be taking a break from traveling for the time being. Our next trip will be a hurricane chase, assuming we have a landfalling hurricane worth chasing..

May 21st, 2005---: Today actually turned out to be a half decent day in NYC. But temps are still below average for this time of year. We've been lucky to make it to 70 degrees, and this coming week doesn't look much better. Most of the work week is forecast to be unsettled with on and off showers all the way through Friday. I'm hoping that the Memorial Day Weekend will be nice, I have a hugh BBQ planned and sunny warm weather would be nice.

April 17th, 2005---: Spring warmth has finally arrived here in the NYC area! Today we saw temps reach the middle 70's under sunny skies. Tomorrow is forecast to be just as warm with the next threat of rain coming this Wednesday night. In other news, I'll be a guest on the radio show Severe Weather Central this coming Tuesday the 19th @ 10:30pm. Details on how you can listen can be found by clicking Here!

March 28th, 2005---: Heavy rains moved into the NYC area this afternoon. Streets and sidewalks became quickly flooded, and the rains are expected to continue on and off until tomorrow morning. Where is spring!?!?!? Well, with luck we'll experience some spring weather this coming Wednesday and Thursday as temps are forecast to be around the 60 degree mark. That'll feel nice after having to deal with below normal temps for the past few weeks.

March 24th, 2005---: Spring is finally here! But you couldn't tell that it was with the weather we've been having recently. It seems that the past few springs have started off like this. We were greeted yesterday with snow! Yep, snow...but not a lot of it. The NYC area received about 3 inches of slushy snow, but it was enough to make most of us sick to our stomach. The day started off with a cold rain, but changed over to snow around sundown and continued until the early morning hours today. The next few days won't be spring like either. We're expecting unsettled weather right though Easter Sunday. But on a good note, our annual chase vacation is only a little over a month away! Brian and I will be taking a trip up to Dave Lewison's house on April 9th to complete the construction of my windshield hail guard. Pics will be posted on the chase log page..

March 16th, 2005---: The weather here in the NYC area has been below normal temperature wise the past few weeks, but at least we haven't experienced any major storms over the last week. Things should remain calm for at least the next few days, which is fine by me. Hopefully spring will arrive soon, and we can finally see some 60 degree temps. On another note, and this is totally not weather related but I figured I'd post it Today, while heading into Manhattan to do some video work for The Weather Channel I encountered a massive track fire at the Canal Street Station on the E line. Smoke rapidly filled the subway station and the train car that I was on. We stepped off briefly, and then re entered the car since we were told that the train would continue on. About 50 feet into the tunnel, the train came to a screaching halt, I completely wiped out when the train stopped. Now the train car is rapidly filling with smoke so we decided to make our way to the back of the train where we were finally able to get off. Whew! Just another day here in New York City.

February 28th, 2005---: This is our third winter storm in the past 8 days!!!! The snow began earlier this afternoon and is coming down a bit heavier now as I'm writing this. Total snowfall amounts are forecast between 6 and 10 inches for us here in the NYC area. I will soon be back out shoveling once again. On another note, March is here!!!! Our annual storm chasing trip is fast approaching and on March 26th, I will be heading upstate to visit Dave Lewison. We'll be working on the hail guard for the windshield of my truck. Pics will be posted after my visit!

February 21st, 2005---: The NYC area received about 5 inches of snow last night and into this morning. The snow tapered off around 9am this morning, but the thick fog and raw conditions hung in there throughout the remainder of the day.

February 20th, 2005---: Well, I guess our luck couldn't last forever...we're expecting a pretty significant snowfall here in the NYC area beginning later tonight. Right now the forecast calls for between 3 and 7 inches of snow, but that could change depending on the exact track of the storm. The snow is expected to change over to freezing rain and drizzle by the late morning which would cut down of total snow accumulations. More updates to follow tomorrow with photos and video clips being posted. Check back!

February 14th, 2005---: The rain moved in late this morning and is still falling in NYC as I'm writing this. But, tomorrow is looking to be a great day, especially for mid February! Temps are expected to top out around the 60 degree mark under partly sunny skies! Of course, this time of year temperatures like that can't last long and by Thursday all bets will be off. Dave and I are still working on ideas for my windshield hail guard and Brian, Pete and I will be taking a trip up to Dave's next month to work more on it. I have to say, Dave is doing pretty much all the work on this, since fabricating a windshield guard is a bit too complicated for me to undertake. Thank you Dave!!!

February 7th, 2005---: Now that February is here we're finally about half way through winter! And the weather the past few days have been more like early spring than the dead of winter. That's just fine by me since the second half of January was bitter cold. Yesterday we made it into the mid 50's and today should top out right around 50 degrees. Just 3 more months until our annual storm chasing trip!

January 23rd, 2005---: The blizzard raged throughout the night with wind gusts approaching 50 MPH! This morning the snow began tapering off, but the winds continued full force. I took the subway into Manhattan around 10am and shot some video along 5th Avenue.

January 22nd, 2005---: The Blizzard Of 2005 is here! Right now as I'm writing this we are experiencing heavy snow at the rate of over 2 inches an hour. Winds will pick up as the night progresses and we're expecting gusts to 50 MPH during the overnight hours. I've been doing nothing but shoveling all day, but did take a break to shoot some video in the Queens, NY area.

January 21st, 2005---: A major winter storm is forecast to affect the NYC area starting tomorrow afternoon and going through Sunday mid morning. Right now it looks like we could receive up to a foot of snow from this system. I was wondering when our luck was going to run out, and it looks like the time is now. Today however, we are experiencing bitter temperatures under sunny skies. The low this morning was around 12 degrees, and today's high is forecast to only reach the upper teens with breezy conditions. Check back on Sunday as I will be adding pictures of the event, as well as a video clip.

January 19th, 2005---: An Alberta Clipper is currently affecting the NYC area with up to two inches of snow expected. That is nothing compared to what we might receive late this Saturday and into Sunday. Right now the forecast calls for a possible Nor Easter, but this early in the game....nothing is set in stone. Temperatures were in the mid 20's today, but will plummet again tomorrow night and into Friday with forecast lows in the single digits and highs on Friday in the upper teens. Below is a picture I took during the mid afternoon at Rockefeller Center as the snow began to fall.

January 18th, 2005---: Winter is definitely back! And in a big way! Temps this morning were in the low teens with windchills in the 0 to 5 below range. Granted, the -54 temperature reading in Embarras, Mn. makes what we are experiencing here look like a heatwave, but for NYC standards, it's pretty cold. The artic blast is expected to continue throughout this week and into the weekend. I was in Downtown Manhattan this afternoon and shot some video of the frigid weather we are experiencing.

January 13th, 2005---: The mild winter weather couldn't last forever. This coming weekend, temps are forecast to be around seasonal levels with highs in the 30's and low's in the 20's. We were forecast to be in the low 60's today, but the warm front never made it this far north, instead it stalled in New Jersey and we ended up with high's in the middle 50's. Still, no complaints from me. One thing many people complained about today was the dense fog that held tight throughout the day.

January 6th, 2005---: This whole week has been unsettled, but above normal in the temperature department. Considering what it's usually like this time of year, we've gotten off very lucky so far. Today I was on Broadway in Manhattan shooting a little video of the light rains that were moving through the area. The extended forecast calls for above normal temps with rain here and there. Just one year ago we were sinking into a deep freeze that lasted the entire month of January, what a difference a year makes!

January 2nd, 2005---: Yesterday in NYC we had a high temperature of 60 degrees, people all over the city were walking around dressed like it was early spring instead of the middle of winter. Today, however things have cooled down a bit with cloudy skies and temps in the low 40's. Still, I'll take that any day over the frigid temperatures we usually see this time of year. This upcoming week is forecast to be near or above normal temperature wise, but on and off rain is expected throughout the week. Scattered showers are forecast for tomorrow, with steady rains for the middle of the week. Now that 2005 is here, we only have 4 months to go before chase season begins! Seems like a long time, but it will be here before we know it!

December 23rd, 2004---: High winds and rains hit the NYC area today with frequent gust over 50mph! I was down on 42nd street in Manhattan this afternoon shooting some video for The Weather Channel and witnessed many people struggling in the winds with their umbrellas. Needless to say, most people ended up tossing their umbrellas in the garbage. The picture below was taken on 42nd street & 6th avenue around 3pm this afternoon.

December 21st, 2004---: Today was a virtual heatwave compared to yesterday. Temps made it into the mid 30's under partly cloudy skies, and tomorrow we'll approach the 50 degree mark! I was down around the Rockefeller Center area this afternoon and walked into a wall of tourists in town for the holidays. Below is a pic taken this afternoon of the ice skating rink at Rock Center. Thursday we're expecting rain with temps in the mid 50's! I'll take the rain and mild temps over the cold and snow anyday.

December 20th, 2004---: I almost couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning and saw the temperature....11 degrees! This is our first true artic blast of the winter season, and the season doesn't officially begin until tomorrow! The cold weather will be short lived however, with temps recovering into the 30's tomorrow, and into the 50's by Wednesday and Thursday! Along with the warmer temperatures comes the threat of rain on Thursday. That's all right with me though, anything is better than what we experienced here today. We didn't receive much in the way of snow last night, basically around an inch area wide. But I had to really bundle up when I walked out the door, the fact that the winds were in the 20 to 30mph range didn't help matters any.

December 17th, 2004---: For a while it was looking like we could experience a significant snowfall on Monday, now it's looking like we'll only see light accumulations (at least for now). The low pressure system should stay far enough off the coast that we'll only see some fringe affects in NYC. Hopefully this holds true... On the temperature side of things, that's another story. Temps Sunday night/Monday morning will drop to around 20 degrees! And on Monday, they most likely will not rise out of the 20's. The artic blast is forecast to be short lived with temperatures rebounding into the 40's by the middle of the week.

December 12th, 2004---: I guess it couldn't last forever...the relatively mild weather of the past few weeks that is. It looks like we're in store for our first real cold snap of the season. Temps this upcoming week will average below normal, with Tuesday and Wednesday looking to be the coldest as it stands right now. At least we made it through all of November and half of December without any snow or really cold weather.

December 6th, 2004---: So far, so good....we've managed to make it through the first week of December, and still no artic outbreak. I remember a year ago today filming a blizzard that was hitting the NYC area. I was down on Central Park South in Manhattan freezing my "you know what" off. Today, while it was chilly and rainy...we're still in the 40's. The rest of the week is looking a bit unsettled, tomorrow being the worst with an all day rain expected. Still, temps are forecast to be in the 50's for most of the week, and may even top out near 60 on Wednesday! I have no problem with this at all! I'm sure we'll eventually get a big artic outbreak, we still have a long way to go until spring. But, every week we stay relatively mild, is one week closer to spring in my eyes.

November 30th, 2004---: We managed to get through all of November without a really bad cold spell! While we did have a few days (or nights I should say) that dipped to around the freezing mark, overall it wasn't too bad temperature wise this month. As for December, who knows...we have another bout of rain headed our way tonight and tomorrow to start off December. Right now it looks like the heaviest rain will fall during the morning hours and then taper off during the afternoon.

November 25th, 2004---: This is one of the warmer Thanksgivings in recent memory for us here in NYC. Temps here this morning are already around the 60 degree mark but this won't last long. A cold front is moving through the area and we're even under a severe thunderstorm watch until 2pm!!! I can't remember the last time we had a severe wx watch in late November! Nothing is heading for us right now, and I don't think we'll see much in the way of severe weather, at least here in NYC. There is a pretty impressive line of storms just north of us and Philly is under a severe thunderstorm warning right now. The weekend is looking to be below normal temperature wise, I knew this couldn't last...Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

November 22nd, 2004---: Today was a bit on the raw side with temps in the lower 50's and plenty of clouds around. Tomorrow morning I have an early morning shoot for The Weather Channel and at dawn all the showers that are currently moving through the area as I write this should be out of here. The rest of the day will be on the cloudy side like today but no rain is forecast. Wednesday seems to be the day that the rain will move into our area and will most likely stick around until late Wednesday night. Thanksgiving is shaping up to be partly cloudy with temps in the 50's.

November 18th, 2004---: Temps the past few days have been a bit above normal for this time of year, which is just fine by me! Tuesday and Wednesday's highs were around 60 degrees with plenty of sun. Today we have more cloud cover here in NYC, but temps will still remain a bit above average with highs once again around 60. There is the chance of rain over the weekend, but the forecast is a bit uncertain right now. On another note, I watched that CBS mini series "Category 6- Day Of Destruction", it did have some entertainment value...but overall the plot was a bit ridiculous. Randy Quaid was pretty funny as "Tornado Tommy", he was the highlight of the whole thing in my opinion.

November 9th, 2004---: Well, our first shot of true cold air has settled into the area. This morning temps dropped to around 35 degrees, and tonight promises to be even colder!

November 8th, 2004---: Well, it had to happen I guess. Our first shot of cold air is moving into the NYC area. Temps this morning dipped into the low 40's, but that's nothing compared to what we're going to experience over the next two days. Tomorrow's low's are expected to be around the freezing mark, and Wednesday's morning low's are forecast to drop to around 30 degrees! We should moderate a bit by the end of the week, but now that we're into's all downhill from here until next spring.

November 1st, 2004---: Yesterday in NYC the weather was perfect! Temps in the lower 70's under sunny skies, definitely a nice Halloween day. Today however, we're back to more seasonal levels with temps topping out around 60 degrees. Tomorrow there is the chance of rain, but overall the temperatures will be right within a few degrees of normal for this time of year. My motto is, the warmer....the better! With winter just around the corner, all we can hope for is above normal temperatures and no snow. It's happened in winter's past, but most likely (at least if you go by the current long range forecast) we're in for below average temps here in the northeast over the coming months. Hopefully they'll be wrong. On another note, The Weather Channel will be airing an episode of Storm Stories concerning the May 12th, 2004 Harper, Ks. tornadoes. No specific air date is set as of yet, but from what we understand it will be airing sometime around the middle of December. I'll post the exact air date once it becomes available. The episode will have interviews with the Robbins Family (who were in the house that was hit by the Attica, Ks. tornado) as well as interviews with myself, John Davies & several other chasers in the area that day.

October 26th, 2004---: My trip to Los Angeles to visit my friend was great! But the temps there weren't much warmer than here in NYC. I was hoping for temps in the upper 70's, but instead we were greeted with rainy weather (for the first few days) and the temperatures in the upper 60's and low 70's. The warmest day was this past Saturday when temps reached the mid 70's under sunny skies. No complaints though overall since I won some money during a quick trip to Vegas. Now that I'm back in NYC, it's time to get ready for winter. I stopped by Central Park today where the fall colors were in full swing. The weather this week is forecast to be at or above normal temperature wise with a chance of showers towards the end of the week. Not bad for late October!

October 17th, 2004---: Temps here in NYC today barely reached the low 50's under mostly cloudy conditions. I was in Manhattan this afternoon and you could definitely tell that Fall has arrived. This coming week is forecast to be unsettled with on and off showers throughout the week. Monday night some heavier rain is expected in the area. I will be on vacation in Los Angeles this upcoming week so it will be nice to experience some warm temperatures!

October 10th, 2004---: Mild weather has been the norm in NYC the past week but I'm sure that will change soon. Temperatures this upcoming week are forecast to be average for this time of year and that's fine with me, as long as there are no cold snaps forecast I'm a happy person. Fall colors are also starting to appear around the area and I'll post some photos shortly on our "New Photos" page.

October 5th, 2004---: Well, the Summer couldn't last forever I guess. The first blast of fall air moved into the NYC area last night. When I woke up this morning, temps were in the upper 40's....not fun at all!!! Temps only rebounded into the low 60's this afternoon despite sunny skies. Tomorrow things will moderate a bit with high temps in the mid 60's and by weeks end we should be back up around the 70 degree mark. On October 18th I'll be taking a trip out to Los Angeles to visit my friend Jeff, the weather out there I'm sure will be much nicer than here. But the only downside is that when I return on the 25th, I'm going to have to get used to the cool fall air all over again! I'm hoping that the coming winter won't be nearly as brutal as last winter was here in the northeast. Time will tell....

September 29th, 2004---: The remnants of Hurricane Jeanne brought torrential rains and flooding to parts of the area yesterday and last night. My rain gauge here in Queens, NY registered just about 4 inches of rain total!! Highways and streets were flooded everywhere! The forecast called for the rains to taper off yesterday evening, but that did not happen. Heavy rains fell through most of the night and even now, we're still getting on and off showers. Once Jeanne is out of the picture, we'll experience pleasant conditions for the next few days. Today however is forecast to be cool and breezy as Jeanne pulls away from our area.

September 19th, 2004---: I haven't felt cool weather like this since April! And I'm not liking it at all!! This is a reminder that fall is on it's way, actually it feels like it's already here with temps bottoming out last night in the low 50's and high's today only reaching the mid 60's!. Tonight is going to be another cool one with temps once again falling into the low 50's here in NYC. But the good news is that this cool down won't last long. By mid week temperatures will rebound into the 70's and 80's!!!

August 21st, 2004---: Manhattan got hit today with torrential rains and flooding. I was just getting off the subway at 42nd Street in front of Bryant Park when the storms began moving through. Not much lightning, but the skies went pitch black and the rains were relentless!

August 19th, 2004---: Today, NYC is experiencing typical mid August weather, warm and muggy!. There is the chance of severe weather, but there's a much better chance north and west of NYC (which is usually the case). Tomorrow we'll be even warmer with temps approaching 90 degrees and humidity levels through the roof! Something that we haven't seen here in quite a while.

Something else that took place today was my interview for an upcoming episode of Storm Stories on The Weather Channel. The episode will be focusing on the events of May 12th in Attica, Ks. We covered topics like storm spotting, chaser safety, and of course the events of that day. This episode will also have interviews with the Robbins Family who were in the house at the time it was hit by the tornado, someone from Harper County Emergency Management, and other chasers who were in the area that day. It should be interesting. The episode is scheduled to air sometime in December. Below is a picture taken during my interview.

August 11th, 2004---: Our best thunderstorms of the year hit the NYC area during the mid afternoon. Queens, NY received about 1.10 inches of rain in 30 minutes. Below is a radar image of the storms as they were moving through my area.

August 8th, 2004---: The past two days here in NYC have been well below normal temperature wise. Lows yesterday morning we're close to the 60 degree mark, and this morning wasn't much better. I had a video shoot to do this morning at sunrise and actually had to wear a this August!!?? Hurricane Alex has come and gone, but I decided that he wasn't worth chasing since the storm only grazed the outer banks. There's still plenty of time and over the next two months I'm sure we'll see more storms forming out in the Atlantic. Today, temps should recover to the upper 70's here in New York City and I'll be heading into Manhattan this afternoon to check out the street festival on Madison Avenue.

July 28th, 2004---: NYC got hit once again with thunderstorms that dropped torrential rains to the tune of 1.58 inches! That was nothing compared to some of the totals that New Jersey recorded. Burlington County, NJ. not only received more flooding, but an F1 tornado touched down around 5pm yesterday causing damage to some trees and buildings!

July 22nd, 2004---: The hazy, warm & humid conditions of the last few days have yielded some great sunrises here in NYC! Our next chance of rain will come this Friday as a front approaches the area. I took the shot below this morning in Queens, NY (You can see the massive sunspots with the naked eye). For a close up shot, Click Here And to check out a really amazing shot of the massive sunspots taken on July 27th, Click Here! (this image is from the website)

July 14th, 2004---: Strong thunderstorms hit NYC late this afternoon with torrential rains, flooding & lightning. Total rainfall here in central Queens where I live measured .50 inches (and we'll probably add to that later tonight). Lightning wise the storms were below my standards for what I like to see out of a good summer storm here in NYC, but there was one bolt that hit about a block from my location, just out of view of the camera. The thunder that followed was super loud though!

July 13th, 2004---: Yesterday was a dreary day here in the NYC area. Temps hovered in the upper 60's with rain throughout most of the day. Last night we saw the heaviest of the rains and clocked in with 1.68 inches of rain total here in Queens, NY. That was nothing compared to the foot of rain that parts of southern New Jersey received! Flood watches were out for the entire area and several homes had to be condemned in parts of Jersey. Eastern Pennsylvania received rain amounts around 5 inches as well. Looks like we lucked out as far as the flooding rains are concerned but I'm looking forward to getting back to more summer like conditions as soon as possible.